Learn to be Intuitive | 16 min ago
“Start small by trusting your intuition in everyday situations. It could be something as simple as deciding what to eat or what route to take. Pay attention to how following your intuition makes you feel, and note your results.”
Written by Derek Wolf, feature writer for Learn to Be Intuitive.
Overcoming Doubt in Intuition
Doubt is a sneaky thing, isn’t it?
One minute you’re confident in your decision, and the next, doubt creeps in, making you second-guess yourself. Whether it’s a big life decision or a small daily choice, that little voice of doubt can be one of the biggest barriers to trusting your intuition.
But here’s the good news: you can overcome it! In today’s article, we’ll explore how to recognize and deal with doubt when it arises and offer some tips to help you trust your inner voice a little more each day.
What Causes Doubt in Intuition?
First, let’s talk about why doubt arises in the first place. Often, doubt is rooted in one of two things: fear or a lack of self-trust. Think about it. When you’re faced with a decision, and your gut feeling is telling you one thing, doubt might pop up and say, “What if I’m wrong?” or ...
“What if this isn’t the best choice?”
That doubt is often driven by fear—fear of making a mistake, fear of the unknown, or fear of stepping outside your comfort zone. It’s perfectly normal to feel this way from time to time. After all, we’ve been trained to rely heavily on logic, analysis, and external validation rather than trusting our inner voice.
The other reason doubt comes into play is a lack of trust in yourself. If you’ve spent years questioning your decisions or feeling like your intuition has led you astray in the past, it can be hard to fully trust that inner voice. But here’s the thing: intuition isn’t about being perfect.
It’s about learning to listen, trust, and grow.
Recognizing When Doubt is Speaking
The first step in overcoming doubt is recognizing when it shows up. Sometimes doubt can be loud and obvious, but other times it’s more subtle, like a nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right.
Take a moment to reflect on recent decisions you’ve made. Did you feel a strong intuitive nudge in one direction, but then find yourself second-guessing it shortly after? That’s doubt creeping in. You might have thoughts like, “Maybe I should do more research,” or “What if this is the wrong choice?”
When you catch yourself in that moment of doubt, take a deep breath. Instead of getting caught up in the mental back-and-forth, ask yourself:
Is this doubt based on fear, or is it a lack of trust in myself?
Identifying the root cause of your doubt is a powerful step toward overcoming it. If it’s fear, acknowledge that fear is part of the process, but it doesn’t need to control your decisions. If it’s a lack of self-trust, remind yourself that every decision is a learning experience, and trusting your intuition is something you can strengthen over time.
Building Trust with Your Intuition
One of the best ways to overcome doubt is by building a stronger relationship with your intuition. The more you trust your inner voice, the less doubt will have a chance to sneak in.
Here are a few ways you can build trust with your intuition:
Start Small: Begin by trusting your intuition with smaller, everyday decisions. This could be something as simple as deciding what to wear, what to eat, or what task to focus on first. By practicing with these low-pressure decisions, you’ll start to see how often your gut feeling is right. This builds confidence for when bigger decisions arise.
Reflect on Past Wins: Think back to times when you trusted your intuition, and it worked out. Maybe you took a job opportunity that didn’t seem logical at first but ended up being the best thing for your career. Or perhaps you avoided a situation because your gut told you something wasn’t right, and later you found out you dodged a bullet. Reflecting on these moments helps reinforce your belief that your intuition can be trusted.
Quiet the Noise: Doubt often arises when we’re overwhelmed by too much information or external opinions. Take some time each day to quiet the noise—whether through meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few moments of silence. When you create space to listen to your intuition, it becomes easier to hear it and harder for doubt to take over.
Trust the Process: Remember, intuition isn’t about getting it right 100% of the time. It’s about learning to trust yourself and knowing that every decision helps you grow. Even if things don’t go exactly as planned, you’re still building that intuitive muscle and gaining valuable insights along the way.
What to Do When Doubt Strikes
Even with all the practice in the world, doubt will still show up from time to time. The key is not to let it take control. Here’s what to do when doubt strikes:
Take a Pause: When you feel doubt creeping in, take a deep breath and step away from the decision for a moment. Sometimes a little space is all you need to reconnect with your intuition.
Ask the Right Questions: Instead of spiraling into worry, ask yourself, What is this doubt trying to tell me? Is it coming from fear, or is there something I’m missing? Often, doubt isn’t telling you to change your decision—it’s just highlighting your fears. By questioning your doubt, you can separate fear from intuition.
Trust Yourself: Finally, remind yourself that you are capable of making the right choices. Trusting your intuition is about believing in yourself and your ability to navigate life’s challenges. When doubt arises, let it be a signal to trust yourself even more.
Overcoming Doubt in Intuition
Doubt can be a powerful force, but it doesn’t have to stop you from trusting your intuition. By recognizing when doubt arises, understanding where it’s coming from, and taking steps to build trust with your inner voice, you can overcome doubt and strengthen your intuition.
Today, challenge yourself to trust your intuition a little more. When doubt creeps in, take a breath, ask the right questions, and remind yourself that you are capable of making the best choices for your life. The more you trust your intuition, the stronger it becomes.
Thank you for joining me on Learn to Be Intuitive. I’m Derek Wolf, until next time as we continue this journey toward greater self-trust and intuitive living.
This practice of tuning into your intuition, even in small ways, will make a big difference in how you approach all aspects of your life.
Start building that trust in your inner voice, one decision at a time.
"If you found today’s article helpful, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with others who are looking to strengthen their intuition too.
Until next time, keep listening to that inner voice—it always knows the way".
Derek Wolf
"If you found today’s article helpful, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with others who are looking to strengthen their intuition too.
Until next time, keep listening to that inner voice—it always knows the way".
Derek Wolf
All Rights Reserved © Derek Wolf LLC